Then, select the product language and confirm. Scroll down the Download Windows Disc Image page and select the latest available version and click on confirm. Open Microsoft official website to download Windows ISO file on Linux PC. While the Kali Linux file is being downloaded, let us download Windows ISO file as well. Wait till the Kali Linux ISO file is being downloaded. Save the downloading ISO file to your PC. Click on download button to start download. Mostly modern computers are based on 64-bit architecture. Then, select 64-bit or 32-bit option as per the architecture of your PC or laptop.

On available Kali platform page, click on Live Boot option. Open a web browser and navigate to Kali Linux official website. Let us check out the steps involved in the process: 1. The USB drive you plan to make bootable for Kali Linux should be of minimum 4 GB, whereas, for Window bootable, the USB drive should be of minimum 8 GB capacity.

Using one USB drive will be time consuming, thus, it is recommended to arrange two USB drives before proceeding. You may also use one flash drive but then you will have to alternatively make them Kali Linux and Windows bootable during the process. You will need two USB drives to make them Kali Linux and Windows bootable. However, only one operating system will load at an instance i.e. In dual boot mode, both the operating systems will be available on your PC as a host machine. Let us check out a process to install Windows over existing Kali Linux in dual boot mode.